4 Strategies For Scaling Your Customer Experience and Navigating Roadblocks

Gladly Team

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When a company has the opportunity to grow its business, its leadership team needs to be careful to expand at a rate that all departments can handle without any hiccups. Especially for enterprise-level organizations, the larger your business becomes, the more you’ll need to rely on a customer experience division that keeps pace with the rest of the operation.

Your agents, or support heroes as we like to call them here at Gladly, who maintain that essential company facet, don’t necessarily operate or scale in the same ways as the rest of your business. In fact, when you assume your support team will naturally keep up or that simply hiring more team members will do the trick, you’ll likely run headfirst into roadblocks that could slow your company’s overall pace.

Let’s dive into the common pitfalls companies face when they begin to scale customer experience and how to navigate through each challenge.

Scaling the Right Part of Your Business

When companies are looking for ways to expand their customer experience program, they should look for solutions that are in their team’s best interest. Hiring additional staff or bringing on new and more robust technology are obvious considerations. Still, companies should also choose a solution based on what their support heroes say is already working and what could be improved.

To navigate this growth opportunity for your business, the key element to understand is where your employees and operations are already thriving. Hiring new team members can be much easier if you have a robust training program. Additionally, suppose you allow existing team members to grow into customer experience leadership roles. In that case, you’ll better foster your support heroes to develop and train one another as the rest of your company scales.

Sometimes the reverse is true. You have a solid customer experience team, but because of the nature of your business, onboarding isn’t as natural a process. Expanding your existing team’s technological capabilities will be much more successful in this instance, balanced with strategic hiring that allows more hands-on training and a smaller overall staff.

Moving into New Channels

The more you grow, the more new and returning customers will try to get in touch with you. As higher demand puts your business in a position to expand into new communication channels, you need to equip your customer experience team to handle this influx of inquiries.

As you move into new channels, avoid roadblocks with either preliminary training, channel-specific experts, or programs that make channel management easier. With streamlined customer experience systems like Gladly, your support heroes have much greater control over the flow of communication between them and the customers.


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Ticket Duplication and Backlogs

Scaling as a company means taking on more clients or handling a larger volume of orders, requiring more customer support to keep stride. The more you can set up your customer experience teams for the deluge of tickets, the more capable they’ll feel in supporting and being a part of your growing business.

With a platform like Gladly, this issue disappears altogether by replacing tickets with humans and streamlining individual customer requests into a single, ongoing conversation. These interfaces are instrumental in bringing down duplication, rep collision, and overall workload by 20% to 30% on average. These efficiency boosters make customer experience scaling far easier.

Wondering how Gladly stacks against ticket-based competitors? Start here.

Onboarding and Technology

Even with advances in technology and channel management, businesses will eventually have to bring on new hires to allow their customer experience team to scale along with the rest of their company. To avoid unnecessary pain points in providing support, ensure your customer service platform has clear onboarding directions and is easy for both heroes and customers to use.

Preventing these issues starts before scaling can happen. As a leader, you need to ensure that your company has invested in a worthy program for your heroes and that the managers in your experience team can translate that success into new hires. When your culture and software reflect that investment, you can chart a steadier course to scaling your business.

Growing at an appropriate pace will take patience, but it will also reflect a strategic attitude toward growth that protects your company from overreach while keeping your vital customer experience operations in line with the rest of your organization. Keep an eye out for these roadblocks when scaling your support team, and with the right approach, your company can continue that swift expansion without skipping a beat.

About Gladly

Gladly is a customer service platform for digitally-focused B2C companies who want to maximize the lifetime value of their customers. Unlike the legacy approach to customer service software, which is designed around a ticket or case to enable workflows, Gladly enables radically personal customer service centered around people to sustain customer loyalty and drive more revenue.

Some of the world’s most innovative consumer companies use Gladly to create lasting customer relationships, not one-off experiences. See their CX stories:
