Trusted by the world’s most loved brands

Our customers know the only way to deliver radically personal customer service is through real conversations, not with tickets.

Hundreds of brands have chosen Gladly to turn their agents into heroes who drive customer loyalty and powerful business results.

Read customer stories

Black Allbirds logo

87% resolution rate

With Gladly’s complete AI-powered offering, Allbirds automated customer interactions and increased agent productivity, driving down average handle time by 41% across support channels.

Black Crate & Barrel logo

Reduced tech spending by 45%

Gladly helped automate routine requests with personal, effective self-service channels so agents could focus on high-value conversations that turned Crate & Barrel’s cost center into a revenue generator.

Black Bombas logo

90% decrease in time to first response

Bombas used Gladly’s AI and people-centered platform to combat friction across their customer experience and drive long-term loyalty while maintaining a 99% CSAT.

Black Peak Design logo

100% automated conversations

Peak Design saved big by switching from a legacy system to Gladly, eliminating ticket volume and automating 100% of order tracking, return, and warranty inquiries — all at a 98% CSAT.

Why brands choose Gladly

Our complete customer service solution, has the power to transform the support experience for your customers and agents.

Customer at the center

Because all communication is tied to a customer — not a case or ticket number — every conversation starts with a real-time understanding of who the customer is.

Make service personal

Customer service AI

AI that knows where to find answers, when and how to take action, and when to ask for help results in faster, more personal support and efficient customer service teams.

Unlock greater efficiency

Best of AI and people

With the right mix of AI and human support, customers are empowered to resolve their own inquiries, and agents can prioritize high-value work that drives loyalty and revenue.

Empower customers and agents

All in a single lifelong conversation

Every channel — from voice and SMS to email and chat — is natively built-in and shows up in one conversation stream, meaning each customer contact is unified in a single view.

Simplify your service

Start creating exceptional experiences

Getting started with Gladly is quick and easy, so you can unlock team efficiency, cost savings, and better support experiences in less time and with less effort.

Results that speak for

Gladly’s complete customer service solution is proven to save time and money while increasing customer satisfaction and growing revenue.

Reduce Tech Costs

Consolidate multiple software platforms into our single, cost-effective platform with all channels — voice, SMS, chat, email, self-service, knowledge base, and more — natively built-in.

Eliminate Duplicate Tickets

All interactions are unified in a single conversation timeline for each customer, eliminating duplicate tickets and reducing inbound volume and average handle time.

Optimize Channel Mix

Shift conversation volume from high-cost, high-touch channels to lower-cost digital channels like chat and SMS to drive up support efficiency and drive down labor costs.

Increase Self-Service

Effective AI-led self-service channels empower your customers to find the answers they need quickly, decreasing total average handle time.

Automate Resolutions

Easily resolve top customer contact reasons with AI and automation that’s helpful, accurate, and in your brand voice.

Improve Support Hero Effectiveness

Powerful and easy-to-use AI, an intuitive platform design, and seamlessly integrated systems supercharge agent productivity, increase team efficiency, and accelerate onboarding efforts.

Grow More Revenue

Generate up to 5% of your company’s overall revenue with CX thanks to new cross-sell and upsell opportunities, sustained loyalty through memberships and subscriptions, and higher customer retention.

Experience Faster ROI

By improving productivity and agent satisfaction, Gladly reduces the cost to serve and allows your team to focus on high-value customers and revenue-generating initiatives. You can expect to see a return on your investment in less than 7 months.

Built to work the way you do

Seamlessly connect with leading platforms and easily build custom integrations to maximize your Gladly experience and help your team achieve more.
See Our Integrations

Image of a woman high-fiving a co-worker

A modern solution for modern customer service teams

Get started with Gladly