Impact of Using Ticket-Based vs. Customer-Based CX Platforms

Gladly Team

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The tools you use in your customer service strategy are often the difference between exceptional and underwhelming customer experiences. Not only do ineffective tools detract from your customer experience, but they can make it difficult for your customer service agents to perform their jobs.

Is your customer service solution making your agents work harder than necessary? When comparing ticket-based and customer-based CX systems, you’ll find that ticket-based solutions require additional work that can cause agent burnout, while customer-based systems offer resources that minimize agent effort.

The Downside of Ticket-Based Customer Service

With ticket-based systems, hard-working agents are using their valuable time to transfer data, sort through tickets, and contact customers already being helped by another team member. These legacy systems are also creating gaps in customer experience, as they are unable to keep up with the increased demand for personalized service.

Tickets come in, are assigned a number, are addressed, and then promptly get filed away without accounting for the preferences, history, and characteristics of your customers. This regimented, mechanical style of service leaves your customer experience at risk, especially as 73% of shoppers want to be treated like a person, not a case number.

Investing in Customer-Based CX

Investing in a customer-based CX system not only benefits your customer experience but your agent experience as well. For many staff members, providing an excellent customer experience is rewarding — 37% of agents say resolving customer issues is a top motivator for working in the industry. Customer-based systems provide agents with the tools they need to feel empowered, ultimately making their work feel more fulfilling.

Other benefits of investing in customer-centric CX software:

  • Agents know shoppers within seconds. With a unified, profile-based view, agents no longer need to cobble together tickets for context.
  • Inquiries get consolidated into a single, thread-like conversation. By contrast, tickets are organized as isolated issues, not by each customer.
  • Operational costs decrease. Many ticket-based CX platforms base pricing on monthly or quarterly ticket volume, instead of per-seat.
  • Sales from CX increase. It’s easier to develop a revenue-minded culture when agents can make hyper-personalized recommendations and capture high-intent shoppers.
  • Workload capacity expands. Customers are matched to the best-fit Support Hero to eliminate agent collision, reduce transfers, and close conversations with fewer exchanges.
  • Agent churn decreases. With the ability to work more efficiently and have better customer relationships, agents feel empowered to do their best work.
  • Before you invest in or continue using an outdated ticketing system, consider alternative options that offer a human-first approach to customer service. These customer-based CX systems provide your team with the tools to improve customer experience, workflows, and overall workplace environments.


    Supercharge Your CX With Customer-Based Solutions From Gladly

    Your CX system should offer more than just a way to organize your tickets. Using an all-in-one, customer-based solution like Gladly provides your team with the tools they need to create a personalized experience for your customers. Get started on improving your customer experience by investing in a customer-based solution that puts your shoppers first.
