How to Set Up Google Analytics for Success with Magento

Gladly Team

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One of the most valuable advantages of running an ecommerce business is the digital nature of traffic. Because traffic to your website and analytics like purchase history and conversions are all readily available data metrics, you can utilize that information to make smart, data-informed business decisions.

If you’re using Magento, one of the most popular, integratable, and compatible analytic platforms to integrate with it is Google Analytics. From giving you feedback on your checkout page design to visualizing data and uncovering acquisition insights, Google Analytics is an essential analytic dashboard for businesses using Magento as their ecommerce platform.

Below is everything you need to know about how to set up Google Analytics.

Benefits of Setting up Google Analytics for Magento

Google Analytics will allow you to get closer to your customers, providing you with valuable insights on a range of aspects regarding your business and ecommerce platform.

Here are some benefits of setting up Google Analytics for Magento:

  • Visual Analytics: Visualizing your analytics will allow you to communicate and simplify the data-retention process for your various departments and team members. Google Analytics will also allow you to customize your dashboards, which can help guide your departments to achieve their objectives.
  • Unified Accessibility: By unifying and centralizing your information and metrics, you can ensure that everyone is looking at the same data across the board. This will minimize errors and simplify the way your team accesses your data points.
  • Key Insights: Google Analytics will provide key metrics on audience insights, acquisition insights, conversion insights, and engagement insights, among others. All of these metrics will help you understand your customers’ online shopping patterns and what online avenues are driving the most traffic.
  • Building Better Strategies: From budgeting and marketing strategies to improved SEO optimization and benchmarking against competitors, Google Analytics will bolster your ability to see the big picture and refine your business strategies.
  • Integration with Other Google Tools: Google Analytics is an excellent standalone service, but you definitely want to leverage the other tools in Google Analytic suite for maximum optimization.

How to Set Up Google Analytics for Magento

Below is a step-by-step guide for setting up Google Analytics in Magento.

Find your Configuration Area for Google Analytics: 

  1. Find “Configuration” in the “Stores” menu on the left-hand side.
  2. Click on the “Sales” menu and then click on “Google API.”
  3. Press the down arrow on the right side of the Google Analytics section and click “Enable.”

Enter Google Analytics Account #:

  1. In order to do this step, you first need to create a Google Analytics account.
  2. Once you have an account, find your account # in your Google Analytics page.
  3. Paste your Google Analytics Account # in the section labeled “Account Number” in the Google API Settings in Magento.

Clear Caches:

  1. On the top of your screen, click “Cache Management.”
  2. Select all from the drop down menu and press “Submit.”

Give Google Analytics at least a few hours to start showing what it’s tracking on your website.

Examples of Google Analytics Reports

There are a ton of great examples of different reports created by various entrepreneurs and ecommerce businesses.

Google and other tech companies host competitions for Analytic Report designs, and there are a number of blogs out there that showcase the great work people are doing through Google Analytics.

Here are a few of our favorite examples that you can find around the web:

Snipcart showcased several reports in one of their blog posts. The first on looks at various channels to determine the efficacy of company’s marketing strategies.

This next report will give businesses an idea of where their converting users are coming from.

converting shoppers channel and page path report for magento

This final report will highlight what products are selling the most:

google analytics report for magento shoppers by most popular purchases

Dan Barker shares a couple of his Google analytic reports. Here’s one that highlights which days of the week a website received the most traffic.

google analytics report for magento shoppers based on purchase times

This final report was made as part of a Google Analytics report contest. The report shows patterns in new and returning visitors with respect to their traffic and conversion numbers.

google analytics report for magento

These are just a few examples of the kinds of reports and visuals you can create to help administer information and data to the various parts of your company.

Regardless of your size and scale, Google Analytics is an easy way to get simplified and readable information on several key metrics that will help you improve the way you market, advertise, brand, and connect with your customers.

Ecommerce Integrations with Gladly

Gladly offers seamless integrations with a wide range of e-commerce software platforms and apps. By combining with the strengths of leading e-commerce solutions, brands can gain access to loyalty-fostering customer data, enjoy more efficient order management, get deeper access into customer insights, and provide self-service options for customers seeking help with order tracking, returns, cancellations, and more.

Gladly’s number one priority is to help you identify with your customers in a personal and human manner. Our customer-centered approach ensures that your customers will feel heard, understood, and provided for. With Gladly, you can provide radically personal customer service at scale.
