The Benefits of Attending a CX Conference — Gladly Connect Live Edition

Gladly Team

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CX is becoming the engine for growth in modern ecommerce companies as they navigate the loyalty economy. Every insight, technical innovation, and strategy for success is a deeply valuable advantage for these brands, which makes idea-exchanging events so vital.

CX conferences are an opportunity for leaders, managers, and employees to convene and discuss the future of customer service and the loyalty economy. Gladly Connect Live, our annual keystone CX conference, attracts thousands of attendees every year who can return to their teams feeling inspired.

What Is Gladly Connect Live?

Gladly Connect Live, an annual CX gathering presented by Gladly, unites industry experts, customer service professionals, and leaders from influential brands. Together, they share practical insights, best practices, and winning strategies to enhance customer relationships and fortify brand loyalty.

When Is Gladly Connect Live 2024?

Mark your calendars: Gladly Connect Live 2024 will be held March 25 to 27, 2024, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Can’t make it in person? Gladly Connect Live offers both in-person and virtual attendance options.

Wondering whether you should attend Gladly Connect Live? Here, we break down the key benefits that attendees can expect to gain from attending our keystone conference.

The Value of CX Conferences

CX conference goers can talk “CX shop” and get to the heart of the issues they face when trying to meet modern customer expectations.

When attending CX conferences, attendees can look forward to:

  • Networking with like-minded businesses to share insider knowledge, build working relationships, and establish the basis for future partnerships
  • Sharing and staying on top of CX trends in technology, like AI, achieving fluency for channels new and old, and finding new tactical applications for their brand
  • Attending training courses to better understand modern customer expectations, how to create more revenue opportunities with existing shoppers, and beyond

Real Reviews from Gladly Connect Live

As a top choice for CX conference goers, Gladly Connect Live offers a yearly hub of discourse — bringing together experts from top brands to provide a clear vision for the future of the field. The benefits of attending Gladly Connect Live are myriad, with attendees gaining tons of value. Just see what real customers had to say about the insights from Gladly Connect Live 2023.

A Real Conversation — Not a Sales Pitch

Gladly Connect Live may have Gladly in the name, but the conference itself is purely a CX intelligence exchange for attendees. We handpick our speakers to deliver unique, varied ideas and insights from the lens of their expertise and passions.

Event Review

'I appreciated that the focus was on people centers, clearly aimed at professionals in the industry vs. being an opportunity for Gladly and other vendors to sell their wares.'

From Gladly Connect Live 2023: High-level, insightful conversations were common at Gladly Connect Live 2023 — including this talk on creating a CX strategy for long-term loyalty, given by Mara Castro, Executive Vice President of CX at Evolve.

An Opportunity to Speak Openly

Much like Gladly encourages empathetic conversations with customers, our conference facilitates an honest conversation about the CX world. We work hard to keep that conversation free-flowing, providing a comfortable environment where people and customers are the focus — not their business or dollars.

Event Review

'I expected the conference to be full of corporate speak etc., but instead it really drove home the human-centric view that's at the very center of the Gladly structure. I'm all about it.'

From Gladly Connect Live 2023: Evolving technology like AI can be overwhelming without the proper context. Bark CTO Nari Sitaraman’s 2023 seminar addressed the AI elephant in the room while also providing a real pathway for keeping up in this new era.

A Conference for the Hybrid World

Gladly Connect Live takes great care to include all attendees, virtual or otherwise, so everyone feels like they’re getting value — from the content they see to the relationships they form.

Event Review

'This is probably one of the best digital events I have attended in a while. The content and the experience were top-notch. The thoughtfulness that went to ensure digital participants were not abandoned was amazing. I also had a chance to attend Zendesk Relate and the program was nowhere close to your event. Kudos to the team behind this!'

A Chance to Meet the Like-Minded

The benefits of attending Gladly Connect Live expand beyond information sharing. This people-first event also helps foster relationships between brands and CX leaders, turning conversations into potential opportunities for future partnerships.

Event Review

'Such an incredible event, when Gladly said CONNECT, they really meant it! I met wonderful people and learned so much over a 48-hour period — thank you!'

From Gladly Connect Live 2023: The attendees at Gladly Connect Live picked up on a theme of connection — the lessons and insights from presenters even touched on collaboration in the workplace. In particular, Framebridge Founder and CEO Susan Tynan highlighted the role of CX leaders in fostering team-driven support centers for every brand.

Make Time to Connect and Learn

Missing out on CX conferences means missing out on an opportunity to share and gain knowledge on a fast-evolving, high-ROI section of your business. The benefits of attending Gladly Connect Live are enormous, as attendees will leave with actionable strategies to enhance customer loyalty and drive their success.

Excited to learn more about what’s in store at Gladly Connect Live 2024? Watch recorded sessions from Gladly Connect Live 2023 to see what you can expect.
