Creative Ways Chubbies Engages Customers

Gladly Team

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Customer service agents are often the first point of contact between a brand and their customers. Because of this, one of the most effective ways to engage customers and build brand loyalty is by implementing a customer-centric, radically personal approach to customer service within your organization.

With the right tools at a support center’s disposal, staff can make each customer feel like an important part of a brand’s identity — and inspire them to spend more consistently. Gladly has worked with numerous ecommerce brands to deliver that exact promise, creating strong communities of shoppers along the way.

Popular men’s clothing retailer Chubbies, for example, used our support solutions to find creative ways to engage customers that were unique to their values and brand identity, driving more business their way as a result. Here’s how Chubbies leveraged our technology to foster strong, high-value brand affinity.

3 Ways to Engage Customers (Like Chubbies!)

As a clothing retailer, Chubbies relies on a solid brand personality — as well as methods that strengthen its customers’ brand affinity — to foster customer relationships. As the brand gained popularity among young shoppers, it discovered that the best ways to engage with customers included building a strong, interconnected community across its most popular channels.

1. Building a Brand Community

Leveraging intelligent Gladly solutions, Chubbies engages each shopper on a personal level, driving up their net promoter score (NPS) for a bigger community of fans. Tools like customer details provide crystal-clear shopper information that agents can access at any time. Plus, the accompanying conversation timelines allow Chubbies to replace old-school ticketing with transparent, omnichannel views of each customer.

Based on feedback received from customer experiences, Chubbies leans further into their goodwill by utilizing user-generated content (UGC) and customer stories in their branding.

The results: Tangible increase in brand NPS and higher social and online community engagement.

Gladly pro tip: Communities of customers feel desired when brands champion their fandom. In other words, take a page from Chubbies’ playbook and utilize customer stories and examples of strong shopper experiences in your marketing, social media, and even internal training to encourage a wider audience to join your community. Also, make sure whatever CX platform you’re using offers natively built-in customer service over social media, as that’s the most common location for home-grown “communities” to start.

Your Customers Are On Social Media — Is Your CX Team?

Although most businesses don’t think of social channels as customer engagement and support platforms, their customers do. With consumers spending an average of 2.5 hours a day on social media, brands must meet them where they are by providing support access across Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more. See what social media customer service can do for your brand.

2. Meeting Customers on Their Preferred Channels

Gladly offers comprehensive, omnichannel CX capabilities that allow brands to communicate with customers across a full scope of channels. Gladly opened Chubbies up to modern channels, especially SMS, that became essential for engaging young audiences who make up their customer base.

The results: SMS became Chubbies’ strongest channel, supporting more than 33% of communication.

Gladly pro tip: Analytics can provide a lot of insight into how your customers are behaving — use this data to pinpoint your most popular channels and then recalibrate your workforce management to optimize your resources for them.

3. Demonstrating Brand Values

Once Chubbies creates deep connections with shoppers, the retailer continues to find opportunities to demonstrate what makes them unique. In particular, Chubbies builds goodwill with customers — both existing and potential — through initiatives like their 43 Foundation to support mental health.

The results: Higher community and support engagement turned customers on to charitable brand initiatives, further deepening brand affinity.

Gladly pro tip: Use this checklist to see if you’re doing everything in your power to express your brand values.

  • Clearly identify your values and make them transparent for your audience.
  • Map out how your values build toward your overall brand mission.
  • Implement training so your employees embody your brand values.
  • Highlight your values in content and marketing.

Gladly Maximized Chubbies’ Community Engagement

The inherently personal nature of our solutions makes it second nature for support centers to engage shoppers deeply. If you want to replicate and experience the success Chubbies has seen, learn more about the tactics they used to build their brand story in our Radically Personal podcast.
