Trusted by the world’s most loved brands

Our customers know they can’t deliver supreme customer service with tickets. They prefer real customer conversations.

Hundreds of brands have chosen Gladly to turn their agents into support heroes who create customer loyalty and profound outcomes.

Black JOANN logo

Reduced backlog by 93% in one month

JOANN stands for individuality. With Gladly, they’ve grown more meaningful, personal connections with customers. Solving more. All without tickets.

Black Tory Burch logo

55% more customers helped each hour

By adding new social media channels, Tory Burch can now serve more customers at the same time without sacrificing their personal touch.

Black Pacsun logo

Trained over 450 new service heroes for the holiday season

PacSun saw tremendous gains in efficiency by having a clear view of the customer contact history in one single profile.

Black Deckers logo

Slashed customer wait times by 40%

Deckers significantly reduced call volumes and wait times by providing customers with self-service.

Channels and tickets stand in the way of helping people

The best brands know it.

Real human conversations need context and history.

With Gladly, agents work one customer screen without tickets.

No channels to manage when they live in one conversation stream.

Shoppers and support heroes communicate seemlessly.

Let Gladly transfrom your customer service

Drive revenue

Make every customer
feel known right from


increase in contact center generated revenue

Build efficiency

Build meaningful relationships across all channels.


increase in agent efficiency


Don't just consolidate to save money. Turn your agents into heroes.


reduction in contact center tools

Why brands choose Gladly

Customers at the center

Give your team a single ticket-free view of a customer's lifelong history with your brand.

Channel free

All channels woven into a single chronological stream similar to a modern messaging app.

Personalized self-service

Give fast, personalized responses based on everything you already know about your customer.

Quick onboarding

Train and onboard your customer service heroes in days. Not weeks or months.

Consolidate technology

Cut costs and complexity by moving your tech stack into a single platform including voice.

Supportive community

Join a vibrant community full of passionate CX leaders and customer support heroes.

See what industry-leading customer service looks like with Gladly