Unique Call Center Greetings We Love Gladly Team 6 minute read #Best Practices Ready to see what radically personal customer service looks like? Sign up for a free demo with Gladly today. What’s the first aspect of a call center conversation that comes to mind when thinking about an excellent call center customer experience? Is it the greeting? Well, it should be. A friendly and informative salutation from a customer service representative or automated message helps set the tone for a great customer interaction, providing both customer and rep with a more enjoyable experience. Plus, having a great call with customer support can turn an unhappy customer into a longterm brand advocate. Subscribe to The CX Pulse newsletter for monthly insights from leading brands. Thank you for subscribing to the Gladly blog. Why is a Call Center Greeting Important? A fun and unique greeting at the beginning of a customer conversation is the first opportunity to express your company’s brand. Additionally, it is the first step in excellent call center customer service, and lets your caller know they’ve come to the right place. Learn from CX visionaries shaping the future of customer service GLADLY CONNECT LIVE How to Greet Customers in a Call Center Start with the basics when greeting customers: Repeat the name of the company they’ve called, plus the department they’ve reached. Share your name, so they know who they’re talking to, and follow up with a question to direct the conversation. Call Center Greeting Basics: Confirm the organization. Affirm to your customer that they’ve reached the correct call center. Confirm the department. “Hello! Welcome to Company X’s Sales and Returns Department.” Give the representative’s name. Let the customer know that they’re being served by a real person, and not an impersonal automated system. Ask a question. “How are you doing today?” “How may I direct your call?” “What can I do for you?” Whatever question you ask, it should let your caller know that you care, and are there for them. Use a personalized backup when you’re busy. A humorous and creative voicemail or wait message can also take the sting away from a wait or missed call, and will again bolster a customer experience. To truly connect with customers, stray from the script. Although most call center greetings should begin in a similar fashion, representatives speaking with customers should feel comfortable moving away from generic, scripted responses. Doing so provides a more personal experience, and helps to humanize the service representative and the company at large. In these one-to-one, personalized scenarios, customers are more liable to feel that their needs are being uniquely attended to. Call Center Greetings In this section, you’ll find some of our favorite wait message, missed call, and call center greeting phrases. Call Center Greetings For Person-to-Person Good morning! And thank you for calling Company X. We’re as happy as a bee on a flower to receive your call. How can we help you out today? Hello and welcome to Company X’s customer service representative desk. My name is John Doe, and I’ll be your personal guide on today’s journey. How may I assist you? Welcome to Company X’s sales and returns department, where revolutionary customer service always takes precedent. My name’s Jane Doe, how can I change your world today? This is John Doe speaking on behalf of the Company X customer satisfaction department. I am excited to answer any questions or comments you might have today. How can I be of assistance? REPORT Things You Can Do Right Now to Reduce High Call Volume Download Call Center Greetings For Waiting Thank you for calling Company X. All of our customer service representatives are assisting other callers. While you wait, please enjoy the smooth sound of Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue. We appreciate your call to Company X’s customer service department. All of our representatives are currently unavailable. Your wait time is approximately 5 minutes. Thank you for holding. We apologize for the wait. You are number seven in line, and the first six are all hungry tigers. We’ll throw them a steak and get back to you as soon as they leave. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for calling Company X. Your call is important to us. All of our customer representatives are currently chasing an escaped pig around the office, and one will be on the line momentarily. We appreciate your continued patience. Call Center Greetings For Missed Calls Thank you for reaching out to Company X’s customer service line. Our active hours are Monday through Saturday, between 8 AM and 5 PM. If your request is urgent, please contact our emergency line. For all other inquiries, please call back during our regular business hours. We look forward to chatting with you. We appreciate your call to Company X’s sales and returns department, and apologize for missing you. Please call back during our normal business hours, or send a raven to the King of the North with your inquiry attached. Thank you. Company X prides itself on customer satisfaction. We are sorry to have missed your call. We are currently out revolutionizing industry standards of customer service. To join the movement, please call back during normal business hours. Call Center Greetings For Other Needs Thank you for calling Company X’s customer service line. We can’t wait to take your call. For English, press 1. For Spanish, press 2. For Parseltongue, press 3. Thank you for answering all those prompts. One last question: who would win in a fight between a unicorn and a narwhal? Press 1 for unicorn, 2 for narwhal. We appreciate your call to Company X’s product call center. If you are calling to process a return on a recently purchased 23rd century starship, please press 1701. For all other inquiries, please stay on the line. Thank you for reaching out to company X. Your call is important to us. For business hours, please press 1. For directions, please press 2. For all other inquiries, please press 3. About Gladly Gladly is a customer service platform for digitally-focused B2C companies who want to maximize the lifetime value of their customers. Unlike the legacy approach to customer service software, which is designed around a ticket or case to enable workflows, Gladly enables radically personal customer service centered around people to sustain customer loyalty and drive more revenue. The world’s most innovative consumer companies like Godiva, JOANN, and TUMI use Gladly to create lasting customer relationships, not one-off experiences. Gladly Product Tour > Share